Small Claims and Professional Fees
- Step 1: Deadline to submit your application and estimate form (without receipts) is January 15.
- Step 2: Deadline for applicants to submit documents via UNITY My Expense Reports is announced later – an information seminar and member assistance will be made available prior to this date.
Small Claims: CUPFA covers costs directly related to your teaching and helps offset minor research and training expenses. To be eligible, members must (a) have a contract in the academic year of the application (May 1- April 30); (b) have a minimum of 12 seniority credits and (c) be a CUPFA member at the time of application. Examples of eligible items, relevant to your teaching, include the following (among others):
- Books
- Software
- Periodical subscriptions
- Office supplies (e.g., pens, paper, toner, etc.)
- Art supplies
- Memberships (e.g., Canadian Philosophical Association)
Please note that hardware (laptop, web cameras, desks, chairs, printers, etc) are not covered.
Professional Fees: CUPFA endeavours to help offset some of the costs of professional fees for part-time faculty who are required to be a member of a professional association for teaching purposes. Examples of eligible associations include the following (among others):
- Canadian Bar Association
- Association des MBA du Quebec
- Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec
- Canadian Psychological Association
The amount available for Small Claims and Professional Fees will depend on (a) how many people apply, and (b) the monies available in the Professional Development budget after the three annual rounds of Large Grants adjudication. Members receiving Large Grants may also apply for Small Claims in the same year.
After you submit your preliminary Small Claims and/or Professional Fee Request Forms, there will be a second step where you will receive an email notifying you of the exact amount granted, as well as the application instructions and requirements, which will include submission of receipts/invoices. Do not include receipts with your preliminary forms.
Your application must be received by CUPFA at by January 15 (If the deadline falls on a weekend or holiday, the deadline is moved to the next business day).
Do not hesitate to contact with your questions.