Author Archives: CUPFAOnline

Concordians Make the Grade

The Concordia community hit the streets of Montreal yesterday, arm in arm, to speak with one voice.  To the Charest government, they collectively said that the future of education is at stake, and they denounced the ill-conceived funding policies of …

Massive Demonstrations Support Quebec Students Striking Against Fee Hikes — Richard Fidler

Tens of thousands of students and their supporters marched in major Quebec cities yesterday, March 18, in opposition to the Jean Charest government’s promise to impose a 75 per cent increase in post-secondary education fees over the next five years. …

Open Letter to the People – by Anna Kruzynski and Eric Shragge

Top 10 Reasons to Support the Student Strike by Anna Kruzynski and Eric Shragge, professors at the School of Community and Public Affairs, Concordia University Tuesday March 13th, 2012. Two weeks ago, the undergraduate students in our School voted to …

Sign the MANIFESTO: Teachers Against Tuition Increases

Sign the MANIFESTO: Teachers Against Tuition Increases Below is a manifesto, written by three CEGEP teachers. If you would like to sign the manifesto, send an e-mail to include your name, the discipline that you teach and the educational …